2018 Award Committee Appointed

At its second meeting the Foundation Board appointed the 2018 Award Committee. This committee will be fully in charge of the 2018 Rob Blokzijl award, from the call for nominees up to the selection of the awardee(s). Please support the committee in its task to make sure the very first Rob Blokzijl award will be… Continue reading 2018 Award Committee Appointed

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Rob Blokzijl Foundation Established

On 1 December 2015, our beloved and esteemed colleague Rob Blokzijl passed away. The RIPE NCC marked his passing with a tribute on RIPE Labs, which received many heartfelt expressions of condolence and respect from the community. To continue Rob’s legacy, we’re proud to announce the creation of the Rob Blokzijl Foundation. The Rob Blokzijl Foundation… Continue reading Rob Blokzijl Foundation Established

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