This example is intended to provide some guidance on the kind of information that will help the committee to make a good choice. It is nothing more than a suggestion. Any form will be acceptable as long as the essential information mentioned in the selection procedure is included.
N. O. Minator
1602 E Street
662607-0040 Planckston
Northern Nowhere
Phone: +0 299 792 458
Dr. Robert (Rob) Blokzijl
De Nieuwe Ooster
Kruislaan 126
1097 GA Amsterdam
Phone: none
Rob is not aware of this nomination.
Rob should receive the award for his pioneering work, 25 years of leadership at Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE), and for enabling countless others to spread the Internet across Europe and beyond.
Proposer’s Statement
In the 1990s Dr. Blokzijl has encouraged me to bring together the fledgling Internet community in Northern Nowhere and to organise cooperative management of the NN top level domain. I have never had a business or formal relationship with Dr. Blokzijl. I make this nomination with no other interest than that I would like to see his contributions recognised.
During the 1980s, Dr. Blokzijl was active in building networks for the particle physics community in Europe. Through his experience at the National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics (NIKHEF) and CERN, he recognized the power of collaborating with others building networks for research and travelled worldwide to promote cooperation across networkers. In the 1990s, Dr. Blokzijl was influential in the creation of the Amsterdam Internet Exchange, one of the first in Europe. His most widely recognized contribution is as founding member and 25-year chairman of RIPE, the European open forum for IP networking. Dr. Blokzijl was also instrumental in the creation of RIPE NCC in 1992, the first Regional Internet Registry in the world.
Some contributions by others
Jun Murai: “Rob has made significant contributions to the early development of the Internet in Asia.”
Jan Gruntorad: “Rob has significantly contributed to spreading of the Internet in the region of Central and Eastern Europe being wise when bringing RIPE meeting also to this region rather early after fall down of the Iron Curtain.”
Alexey Platonov: “Rob made a significant contribution to the development of the Internet in Russia. In his role as an expert he was instrumental in key projects such as MSK-IX that shaped the Internet in this region and facilitated the formation of the Russian Internet community in the mid 1990-s.”
Nii Quaynor: “Rob’s counsel and guidance enabled the founders of Afrinic prepare and build consensus during formation of Afrinic.”
I will be happy to answer any questions the committee may have.
Planckston, 1 January 2018
N. O. Minator
Much is contained in the statement above. Here is some additional information: Born in Amsterdam on 21 October 1943, Blokzijl graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1970, and received a doctorate in experimental physics from the same university in 1977.
Rob passed away on 1 December 2015, aged 72.