Board Meeting #04 – 21.5.2019

21 May 2019
Reykjavik at RIPE78


Hans Petter Holen, Chair
Nigel Titley, Treasurer
Daniel Karrenberg, Secretary

The board agreed that the meeting had been convened properly and that there was a quorum.

Nigel reported that he will be leaving the RIPE NCC board.

Daniel said that the statutes state in Article 5 that “… Without prejudice to the provisions of this Article, the membership of a board member shall be terminated … upon the termination of the RIPE NCC Executive Board membership, if the member was appointed due to this RIPE NCC Executive Board membership. …”. He added that the RIPE NCC board had not yet designated a new foundation board member and that this automatism would thus let the number of board members fall below the statutory minimum of three. The board discussed the consequences and risks. The board considered it unnecessary to revise the statutes at this time in order to resolve this issue and asked the secretary to note it for a possible future revision of the statutes.

The board unanimously resolved to appoint Nigel Titley to the board until another board member designated by the RIPE NCC board is appointed.

Nigel reported that due to time constraints on the part of the RIPE NCC he had only received an informal summary of the 2018 foundation financials: the 2018 income and expenditure were as expected at the previous meeting and the capital of the foundation at the end of 2018 was € 35.535. He added that he expected a formal report from the RIPE NCC in the coming months.

The board then discussed first ideas for the 2020 award.

The board resolved to postpone decisions about the 2020 award until the new RIPE NCC designated board member has been appointed.